Memory and Madness.

Memory and Madness

    Isolated but not alone. Protected from mental manipulation, not natural madness. Pain not of the physical but emotional pain ripped through him.

David was in an isolated cavern or cave system a few hundred miles in the wilderness away from where that witch with the guns had tried to rob the train. Whatever she had done was causing him to have surged with grief, rage, hate, sorrow, and above all pain. intense emotional pain.

He had become adjusted to the way he felt. The Guyver protected David from mental damage, memory modification, even mind control. It had recorded a snapshot of his body at the moment of bonding, in addition to the DNA record. It stored his memories, his consciousness. Even some might say his soul.

David did not believe he had a soul. No, he had seen the creation of his race. The Ouranus had come to earth, manipulated life for millions of years. They had been on his planet for over two hundred and fifty million years. They manipulated biology and evolution. They created mankind to be weapons. What use was a soul to a weapon?

Once Chronos had discovered he had had a Guyver, their attacks were relentless. he had watched his friends be killed. Some of them had been turned into Zoanoids, sent to kill him. Screaming for him to help them, to save them to not hurt him. He had to steel his heart and kill them. Other died in his arms. The horrors of the war against Chronos after X-day.

David over the course of that war had become adjusted to those levels of anguish, pain, and sorrow. The Guyver had accepted those as natural adjustments and did nothing to stop it. Once the control metal had been knocked out of his forehead something that should have been all but impossible. It had to remake his body from scratch. He was reset biologically to mere minutes after his initial bonding to the Guyver was complete.

He was no longer used to the constant levels of hormones that made one feel, anguish, pain, sorrow, despair, and hate. The Guyver recorded his memories, transferred it to the control metal for storage. When he began thinking of that Witch he was reminded of other things. And with it. All the memories of everything he had been through, all he had suffered. He was now experiencing those memories and emotions as if they had just been freshly made. All those memories, all that pain. All at once.

The Guyver protected him from Mind control and artificial influence. It would not stop the natural progression of the mind's development. It would not stop the madness that was induced by natural means...