Meanwhile, In Baron...

BGM: Kingdom of Baron --

--== CASTLE BARON ==--

The heavy, black-enameled armor is quieter than it should be capable of. Probably the enamel quieting what should be clanking to little more than soft clicks. Though those clicks have an insect-like sound to them, which could be a bit disturbing. Disturbing or not, the armored Dark Knight makes his way unaccosted through the halls of Castle Baron. His destination -- the throne room.

As he approaches the throne, he removes his helmet out of respect. There IS a man beneath the mountain of armor, one with a swarthy complexion and strong features. He could almost pass for a dwarf if he had not been so tall. The man takes a knee before the King, bowing his head. "You sent for me, Your Majesty?"

"Rise, Duncan," the King instructs. The Dark Knight does so, leaving his helm tucked under an arm. "You may have noticed the suspicious... lack of Cecil Harvey."

Duncan nods. "I heard he had been demoted, but t'was not my business to pry."

"This is true," the King replies. "However, the problem seems to have gotten much worse. It seems that Cecil, on my orders to take a gift to Mist, as instead burned the place down and killed most of those who lived there."

At this news, Duncan's eyes widen in shock. "What? Why? How could he do such a thing?" He is, of course, completely flabbergasted.

"Cecil Harvey has been corrupted by the presence of OFFWORLDERS," the King replies. "When our world was opened to them, it invited all sorts of corrupting influences. Sadly Cecil has fallen under the sway of one."

Duncan seems... crushed, is the only way to put it. His dark brows draw together in an expresion of dismay, his gaze moving to the floor. "I... I cannot believe it... Ser Harvey... he never seemed the sort to do such a thing..."

The King leans forward a bit in his seat, with a frown. His voice possesses an intensity to it, a power that will not let it be ignored. "Duncan. Listen to me. Heed my words." Dutifully, Duncan looks up at the King... and his expression of dismay begins to slowly fall slack.

"You will seek out Cecil Harvey."

The noises of the castle bustling about seem to slowy fade to nothing in Duncan's ears.

"Seek him out, and destroy him -- he and whoever else is with him, be they offworlders or not.

Duncan's gaze remains locked on the King, his expression slack, eyes beginning to glaze over.

"You will not return until you have done this. Have I made myself clear?"

Duncan answers, his tone flat and devoid of emotion, "...Yes, Your Majesty."

"Will you do this?"

"...Yes... Your Majesty."

* * *