When Thoughts Run Deep

[[Another torn-out yellowed page, stained at the corner with something that, to a trained nose would possibly identify as some sort of spiced, pork-based broth... A letter. The handwriting is neat and in cursive, and along the edges are a few random sketches of strange robots and spinny blades, some kind of ship and the face of a woman with long, tall ears, and a...fish?]]

"Hey again, Ace-

"Just goes to show you, there are no satisfied customers when it comes to gambling. People get mad regardless if you cheat or play fair. And for the record, the last game I was in? Totally played fair.

"You'd think I'd be used to being away from the City by now. Fall back into old habits, run free, poke my figurative nose where it don't belong. All right, so nothing's stopped me from doing the last, but I'll admit it. I worry. There's things out here, both amazing and terrible, and I guess for now I can just be thankful I haven't run into anything worse than the Darkness. Now I gotta find me some wood to knock on.

"Still, there's other things, and after going between worlds and finding some of the same name as our's gets you thinking. In this version or another, maybe for them, that -is- the worse possible outcome. In some ways, places are their own brand of terrible, even without some external, evil source preying on 'em, and people can be the worst enemies to themselves.

"Huh. Didn't think I'd get so deep here. Humor your old man, will ya?

"Adventuring's still as good as I've always found it. Yet, every new world I set foot in that ain't home, I can't help but look back and wonder what else could be following after, and with darker intentions than finding a good bowl of ramen or a welcoming table to pass cards around. You meet good people out here, but you know there's bad ones too. Even then, things can still get stuck in that grey area. Still, you do what you do. Plenty of people out here need a hand, and I figure if I've got 'em free, I'll lend 'em my gun. Think what you will; out of boredom or for noble cause, if someone needs an assist, no harm in offering what you got. On the flipside you'd want the same.

"Today? Nearly got blown up. I feel like it's been a while since I could last claim something like that so I'm feeling pretty good. The job as always was more simple-sounding planning. Execution-wise... Not so good. Slight complications. Made it out, got what we came for- I just hope everything else pans out.

"On the side, still keeping an eye out for alternative power sources. Some fancy pants with something that looks like a giant version of a jumpship's in the same boat (Hah!) as me except his problem's lack of fuel to keep that ship afloat. Gotta be ways to work around that, of that I have no doubt.

"Although thinking about it, I needa find me some more ammo..."