When Mom Finds Out

"You know, I kind of expected that something like this might happen," says Louise Freeman, frowning at her older daughter. "This is kind of impressive even by those standards."

"I don't even know where to begin with this," says her husband Carl.

While visiting another world's version of San Jose to watch a Thanksgiving parade, Anna transformed into a magical girl in front of her mother and sister. Now, a few hours later, Anna is sitting in a chair in her mother's apartment, with the golden-furred catlike form of Spiral perched on the arm. Even though they're both legal adults of their respective species, Anna and Spiral are awkwardly looking away and not meeting anyone's gaze in the characteristic expression of In Trouble With One's Parents.

Louise frowns at Spiral. "You aren't really from another dimension on the World Tree, are you," she says. "You actually came from another planet within this world."

Spiral mutters, "It's the rule from on high that we have to keep the Curse Phantom business a secret." She shrugs. "I don't agree with it, but I can't disobey."

Carl smacks his forehead. "Well, how much danger are you actually in?" he says. "Like ... what's the rate of, of quitting due to injury or death?"

"I'm plenty safe!" says Anna, without thinking.

"Very low," Spiral says promptly. "And we obey the local laws regarding minimum age for military service or legal adulthood, whichever is higher."

Carl and Louise exchange a glance, and sigh. "Well, you are a legal adult, Anna," says Louise. "You can make that kind of decision yourself. I'm just annoyed that you had to keep it a secret from your own parents that you were putting yourself into this kind of danger." Carl nods in agreement.

Anna brightens, and nods. "Okay!" she says. "And now that the secret's out, I promise if I ever do anything that makes it more dangerous, I'll let you know!"

"Mm, no objections here," says Spiral.

Carl nods. "Then it's settled," he says. He smiles. "Well now. My daughter's a magical girl. That's ... kind of amazing, actually."

Anna nods. "I'll do my best to be a magical girl you can be proud of!"

Of course, both Anna and Spiral knew better than to try to tell Anna's parents about how Anna's recklessness skewed things.