
    The midnight air in Natsuto is crisp and chilly, especially 40 stories up. Yumi barely even feels it. This transformation isn't just armor - she's faster, stronger, tougher. /Especially/ stronger and tougher. Making her way up to the rooftops was easy, despite the height of the buildings. And, somehow, she knows that if she wanted to jump all the way down, she could do so, without concern for herself or the pavement underneath.

    'What the hell am I?' she muses, once more looking at her hand. Curling, uncurling fingers. Somehow, she knows. She knows exactly how strong she is. She knows that her element is the burning light of the sun, that she can call forth a rune-engraved greatsword. She knows exactly how to dip into a deeper power still, push herself beyond her limits. She understands herself and her powers, instinctively, without needing to think about it. As if she's been this way all her life.

    Some part of her has known, she realizes, since the start. Some corner of her mind has been screaming for her to take action because the power's always been there and waiting, part of her. She just couldn't remember that she had it. But that time in Kiyohime's world, and /especially/ that strange creature from the note, she felt so strongly that something she could sense, something that felt so wrong, was something that she needed to fight, to strike down-


    Is... is that what she is? Is that who she was? Was she made to hunt those things? All this power would certainly be good for that. Maybe that's why the mystery observer left her that note. They wanted to see if /this/ would happen. That makes sense... but for now, she can only take that as likely, not certain. The only thing she can know for sure is that this transformation is so native to her that she understands its power and how to use it as easily as breathing.

    Quietly, Yumi Tachibana turns. A few soft bootfalls take her to the edge of the skyscraper, where she stares down, her gaze drilling into the crater far below. It looks so small, this high up. So insignificant. And yet, it's where her life began... as far as she can remember. What is she? Who was she? What happened there? Who is Mei Sakamachi, and what does she know? Why does finding out something more about herself, only raise /more questions/?

    After several moments of silently willing the crater to produce answers, Yumi turns, and with a soft clunk of armor, begins the journey back to ground level.

    On a neighboring skyscraper, a small clockwork figure rumbles thoughtfully. "It took her long enough. I wonder how long it will take them to notice her, though."