Packages from Home

"Interface Complete." Ordis's voice broke the tense silence of Ash's orbiter. It had been three days since they first caught sight of the waywardTenno station. It has been a day since Ash had filtered out requests for aid in as many worlds as he could reach before the station drifted through a new vine.

Given he wasn't entirely sure how vines movedhe could never e sure it wouldn't move when he wasn't looking and leave the station or the two ships clamped to it, wouldn't just disappear.

Ash's reflections were broken by Ordis's proclaimation, causing him to peer at the codex terminal of his orbiter. The connection between ship and station helpfully informed him that the statin had been abandoned shortly after the Hema debacle, but before then had belonged to a Moon Clan that by all appearances had invested years worth of resource gathering into reactivating and expanding the station after the Tenno had woke.

The forward window of his ship caught his attention as more fighters from both ships flew out like opposing insect swarms over the station.

"Ordis can you get a read on those?" Ash frowned at the magnified images the window sized display showed. Corpus drones verses Grineer fighter-pods were not a new sight to him. However both in this instance grapple with tractor beam and manipulator claw ather than exchanging gunfire. "Are they simply out of amunition?"

"THese," Ordis caused the forward display to cut to a pair of craft; each rotating lazily to provide Ash a view of each from all angles. "Grineer salvage teams match loadout descriptives for units Sargus RUk has fielded in past operations."

Ash winced, having very distinct and not-fun memories of the last time he had to deal with grineer 'salvage operations.' He remembered fire. LOTS of fire. With a wave of his hand he caused the image of the single man grineer space-pod to disappear from the viewport, leaving the corpus salvage drone. "And this?"

"Small salvage outfit, subsidiary of a subsidiary that at one point did contract work with Alad V." Ordis paused, "Records also point at this outfit taking on crew from Venus as of a month before our BEING SNATCHED AWAY integration into the wider tree of worlds."

A nod from Ash before he dismissed the image and refocused his attention on the terminal in front of him. "So we have a large clan who's dojo has been vaccant for essentially two standard intervals." His tone was thoughtful as he considered the information.

"THe station has been declared defunct so you could theoretically take control. WHY NOT JUST MURDER THE GREEDY SCUMBAGS AND TAKE OVER?" A pause from Ordis, presumeably to gather his composure, "Uh... I mean... why risk negociations? It's... GRINEER."

"So were Steel Meridian. We're all far from home. There's no telling if these are loyalists. Dojos tendto orbit way out at the edges of the system."

"Well outside of usual Grineer patrols" Ordis conceeded. "I can't convince you to gofor something less risky Operator?"

"It might come down to it Ordis, but... I need to try." Ash frowned as he pulled up the foundery's interface and started construction of a clan key. "I'd like you to pull my hard suit out of storage and begin system checks."

"...Understood Operator." Ordis sounded unahappy but begun the process of pulling a space-worthy suit from storage. Nevermind the fact his warframe with an archwing was already space-worthy.