Plink. Plink. Plink.

    "Uuuggh, Goddammit..." He groaned as he sat up in bed, ambling over toward the bedroom window. Opening it, he poked his head out, staring daggers at whoever was flicking stones at it.

    "How many times do I gotta tell yo-OWWWWW!" A rock struck Dante square on the forehead, leaving a bruise as he cursed a profane tapestry that could blister paint.

    "AY DANTE! It's half past ten! What are ya, dead up there?"

    "Ugh...Enzo..." Dante groaned. "What do you want? It's Sunday."

    "I got jobs for ya, and here ya are jerkin' 'round and hibernatin'." Enzo was a rather portly sort, and tended to dress tackily as if he were in a mob movie, with an overcoat and hat. "So what's all the holdup, thought we was in this business together! You're makin' me look bad, kid!"

    "Uggggh, but they're BORING, dude..." Dante moaned. "Last job I had didn't have ONE demon involved. Not one."

    "You and your freakin' demons...you're such a big baby." Enzo sighed. "Look, you gotta get off your ass 'cause I got a LOT of dudes I owe favors for, favors AND money. If you can't help me out, I'm screwed, and by extension so are you."

    "Always gotta make this about you..." Dante grumbled. "Alright, FINE. Gimme the list, I'll see what I can do." He threw on what clothes he cold find, before beginning with his day.

    Enzo was right, it was time to get serious about this business.