A roar in the night

--- Longwythe Peak ---

Leide at night, under the moonlight, did look incredibly beautiful. The city of Insomnia in the far distance, lights from various outposts visible if one was high enough. And out of habit, Rou-ri had gotten high enough, scaling Longwythe Peak even though he didn't know the name of it. Being high was surely better than being on the ground, given he didn't know what the local wildlife was up to.

The Pandaren had all of his armor, equipment and belongings off as there was a campfire lit, working idly with cleaning equipment to polish and tidy up his belongings. All the while thinking about what had just taken place, how he had actually gotten to this other world that wasn't Azeroth.

But as he was lost in thought, working to maintain the integrity of his gear, he hadn't noticed the swirling in the darkness around him, behind him, gathering around his equipment and weapons until it was too late.

--- Somewhere else in Leide ---

The roar of a beast echoed throughout the desert night, causing hunters to tense up and whirl around in panic. Where was that coming from, /what/ was that coming from?! Was a daemon that large nearby?! The groups pulled out their weapons and began to take defensive measures before they saw something charging in the distance.

"...are the daemons fighting each other?" one hunter asked, confused, as the massive monster raised up on its' hind legs and began to swipe at something in front of it on the ground. The distance made it hard to see, though as the target of its' wrath stepped in and out of the beams of moonlight, another hunter said, "No, it's fighting something small. A hunter?"

"Hope not, poor bastards dead if so. No way one hunter can kill that thing. Should we help?"

"We don't have enough backup, let's hope they manage to hide away and let that daemon pass before the worst happens. No reason in us dying too, though let's start looking for backup in case we can offer some assistance."


As the younger of the hunters left to try and figure out if they had enough people to offer backup, the elder of the two watched in the distance as the behemoth figure chased after its target, dancing back and forth in the desert night, hoping that whatever person it was fighting survived long enough to get away. He didn't want to collect any more dogtags the next day. It was never a pleasant experience.

Though as he watched, something strange happened. He could have sworn he saw whatever was fighting that gargantuan daemon leap up and smack it across the face with something before running away again. Maybe it wasn't human after all...