Red Sky at Morning

    /Something is wrong./

    Yumi finds herself suddenly awake. Something is wrong. She knows it before her brain can even pull itself together enough to recognize 'I am in my bed, staring up at my ceiling'. By the time she's thinking consciously, she's already sitting up in bed, tense and frowning. What...

    Oh. Oh no.

    Wide-awake, the redhead scrambles to dress herself. She knows this feeling. It's faint, distant, but she recognizes it. She's felt it, twice before... no. Once. She's only felt this /exact/ feeling once. At the shopping district. And now she's feeling it here, in Natsuto. On her own world.

    Twenty minutes later, a figure armored in white finishes a bounding trip across the city's skyline. She comes to a stop on a low skyscraper, overlooking the city's harbor district. The port sprawls out below her, near-deserted at 1:30 in the morning. And there's no mistaking it. A sense of unease blankets the entire area. A feeling like something is twisting at existence itself. Spread-out. Lingering. Like a miasma in the air, not seen or smelled or even felt on the breeze, but /sensed/ in the back of her mind. It feels the same. It feels almost exactly the same.

    One of those things has come to Natsuto.

    Silently, Yumi turns, heading back into the city. It's so, so tempting to go right in, but no. That would be unwise. She'll just have to get her friends. As fast as she can.


    "So they have resumed." "Mhm. It's a doozy this time." "Has Tachibana noticed it?" "I think she might have noticed it before me. We got here about the same time, but she had a much longer trip. Should I take care of it while she's out calling her friends?" "No, let her. I would like to observe how she and her allies handle this." "If you say so. Just in case, I'll stand watch for a bit longer."