Escape and the Future

On a some world, some back alley a man is about to take a smoke. This would be nothing out of the ordinary if something unexpected happen, a tear in space to be exact. Naturally the man is surprised by this event. Even more unexpected a man stepped out wearing a lab coat.

"That was close one! Good thing for back doors..", the man in the lab coat looked at the surprised fellow. "Oh Hello! Sorry to drop in unexpected. I'm The Professor and I really can't have anyone see me. So sorry about this.!"

A bit later The professor sighed searching throught the dead's man clothing. He held up a pack of cigarettes. "You know this things will kill you. Ah sorry bad joke.. A flip phone? Really? Get with the modern times!", the professor got up and start walking opening up the flip phone and dialing a number.
"Hello. It's me.. The Professor! Who else would it be? Iota won't be joining us. There were some unexpected variables. Prepare for the final phase of Project Alpha.", he closed the phone tossing it away. Singing a song as he walked

"It's just a jump to the left..."