Jessica's First Day in the World Tree

In a town in the Kansai Region, Jessica was introduced to Professor Alder who gave her a crash course on both pokémon and the World Tree, as she kept the focus of the discussion towards the latter topic she only got an elementary explanation of the unique twist to the local biological sciences but she came to understand the arboreal slang for dimensional travel: buds and blossoms, branches and trunks, even thorns and roots. The rest of the day she did volunteer work around the town wearing charity clothing - a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers - and spent the night as a guest of the town's Nurse Joy.

The following morning, after breakfast, she did some more general labor around town to repay the town for their hospitality and the lunch that Joy prepared for her. That afternoon, with another set of new clothes in a bag she picked up with some of the money she made in town, she set out into a nearby vine to begin traveling the worlds that compose the tree so she could learn more about them.