Higher Witch Academia

"I still can't believe I got in! I was a little worried when the giant fire-breathing imp went out of control!" Several students stared at Holly as the witch made her way through the halls of Columbia University of Applied Witchcraft.

"Holly, you may want to tone it down a notch, I'm sure you already got plenty of attention earlier," Servis advised her as he floated alongside her. "Are you sure this is the right direction, I'm pretty sure we've already been through here. He did his best to stare at the campus map she was holding even though he had no visible eyes.

"Hey Serv, are you sure this is the best idea? What if she actually becomes good with magic and no longer needs us," Lavaux whispered to the other ghost so Holly wouldn't hear him. "Or her messed up Halloween casting means she's a talented light mage or something."

"I'm pretty sure there that's unlikely, she had quite a few miscasts before the imp. Then again they did advise us for us to leave during the exorcism part," The ghosts hadn't caught that part of the exam.

"Room 1031! This is it! I hope she's nice!" Holly excitedly opened the door nearly prying it off its hinges. The smell of candy filled her nose, in fact she nearly tripped on a pile of wrappers as she stepped inside.

Instantly there was a pair of red eyes on her and a soft yet threatening voice spoke up, "What are you doing in my room, especially without knocking?!" There was a young, elven woman clad in black with pink trim holding a book in one hand and a lollipop in the other stretched out on one of the beds. She set the book aside quickly and pointed at a terrarium with a silver frog in it. "You better have a good answer or you'll be joining Lumeria in the tank there."

"Hello there! I'm your new roommate, Holly Winn! The ghosts with me are Servis and Lavaux," The woman's outburst hadn't done much to dampen her spirit.

"They told me I would have the room to myself after my last roommate disappeared! Find someone else to stay with or you'll fit inside of a pumpkin," The elf climbed off the bed and stood up. She was shorter than Holly but that didn't make her any less threatening.

This was going to be a long semester.