

A sound of exclamation could be heard echoing through the small shop in Mushroom Kingdom.

"And on top of that, it's not a cloth one can get around here. It may be the only chance you /ever/ have to get it."


The toad exclaimed again in a surprised fashion, the shopkeeper looking over the bolt of cloth that was laid in front of him, fingers rubbing over it in anticipation as he stood in front of the offworlder who was showing it to him.

"Just imagine..." the off-worlder continued, "Compared to the other cloth examples I showed you, and their relative costs, what you could do with this?"

Dressed in armor, the Pandaren who was talking to him likely came off as imposing. Given he was nearly eight feet tall and the Toads of the Mushroom Kingdom... most certainly weren't, the original interaction was just that. Concerned cowering. But when Rou-ri pulled out a bolt of cloth and offered to sell it, by comparing it to the quality of some other cloth swatches he had on hand to give an example of quality and pricing...

It was simply something Rou-ri had gotten used to. As an adventurer, he often went from place to place and not every place had common currencies! So it didn't hurt to have trade goods, such as textiles, on hand to sell! And it also didn't hurt to have examples of other similar lower-quality goods to say 'This one costs this much, and this one costs this much' so by the time they got to what he was selling in comparison it seemed even better!


"Two crown coins and four Giant coins!" the Toad exclaimed suddenly once Rou-ri had sufficiently worked up his anticipation and the idea he might not get another chance to buy the fabric again. Rou-ri paused and thought about it. Well, it wasn't a bad price by any means, and it was more than he had expected. By a margin.

He felt a little bad, really. Almost like he was ripping the toad off. He didn't want to leave a sour taste in anyones mouth, so he asked curiously, "Mind if I ask what you'd use the cloth for? Just curious."

"I'm sure the Princess would love some for a dress! And this is even in pink, her favorite color! least I think it is, she's always wearing pink!" The toad laughed, realizing he couldn't be sure, but seemed happy regardless at the prospect of bieng able to offer such a rare gift to the Princess, seemingly just out of good will.

"Ah, well, let's go with two crown coins then, no reason to overcharge someone who is doing so just to be nice." Rou-ri offered in turn. "I suppose I could even offer a bolt or two of similar fabric as a gift to the Princess in turn, not to lessen your gift, as a token of good will from someone from my world." He had done diplomatic duties in the past. It wouldn't be a bad chance.

The toad hopped at that, "That's not a bad idea! Coincidence has it that supposedly there's something happening tomorrow! A friend of mine works for the palace as a maid and she mentioned something about preparations being made for a luncheon, something about visiting dignitaries. I imagine if I mention it to her, she might be able to pass along the word and you might get invited, since you're from... as... aseri... what was it again?"


"Yeah, that's it! Consider it a bonus for selling me some stuff and buying from me!" the chipper toad said as he stepped to his safe to open it and pull out the coins. Seems they both got something interesting out of this little sale.

A luncheon, hm? Well, if he did get invited, what would he wear? Ceremonial armor probably wouldn't be good, it didn't have the same meaning as in his own world. ...well, maybe he'd just wear that suit he got in a city a while back.