Protectors' Guidepost, 14:1

-= MISSION 1 =-

v . ._, |_ .,
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\\ _\, y | \// The ruins of the past
_\_.___\\, \\/ -.\||
`7-,--.`._|| / / , will be the key
/' `-. `./ / |/_.'
| |// that will unlock
|_ /
|- | an uncertain future.
| =|
| |
/ , . \

-- "Guidepost for the Protectors" Chapter 14 Clause 1


The old Uroboros building lays empty and silent, the massive four-towered art-deco structure once called the 'Skyscraper Sanctuary' dark and forbidding, even in death. The city that sprang up around the corporate offices of the Uroboros Corporation, one its workers once named 'Uroboros City', is now mostly empty, with its workers either killed, possessed, or fled. And now the once-great Skyscraper Sanctuary looms over the city like the corpse of a great predator whose life fled during its vigil but refusing to fall.

The city has been mostly quiet as well, but subject to demon attacks from the remnants of Arius's army of demons. Hence Lucia has been patrolling on a regular basis, to make certain that what few people have chosen to continue living in the city have less to fear from the attacks. Mostly they are weak creatures that prove little match for her, merely remnants of the plethora of small demons that escaped the initial purging.

But tonight... tonight something is off. There is something in the air that Lucia cannot explain, something tense and weighty, that draws her to it. It feels like trouble... but not quite. She stands at the base of Skyscraper Sanctuary, atop a pile of rubble in the destroyed streets surrounding it, staring up at the structure with narrowed emerald eyes. It's almost as if she's DARING the structure to disgorge some other demonic monstrosity, to spit up something else that will ruin her peace...

The sounds of shuffling behind her draw Lucia's attention, and she slides her gaze in that direction, tensing in case of attack. She doesn't move for a moment, listening to determine just what angle to attack her might be being considered by the unknown thing behind her. But then... she relaxes her tense shoulders a little. Lucia knows that sound. And sure enough, in the next moment a fatigued sigh emits from someone behind her, and an older woman speaks.

"...I see you felt it too."

It's not a question. The elderly, bent visage of Matier, the woman who had come to be Lucia's mother, comes to stand next to her atop the pile of rubble, leaning heavily on the Arcana Bastone as she catches her breath. Matier too stares up at the tall, four-towered building as if expecting something horrible to appear from it.

"What IS it?" Lucia inquires. "It feels as though... as though the world is about to split open all over again..."

Matier doesn't speak at first -- she doesn't know what it is. She shifts a little, to raise her staff and her other hand into the air. She closes her eyes and begins to chant softly under her breath, and the staff begins to glow. Nothing seems to happen at first, but then...

...It does. Boy does it EVER!

A strange resonance forms around Matier, with her as its center, seeming to slowly pull towards her. The borders waver, shrink, grow, hold, waver again... and then SNAP abruptly inwards, and with a cry, Matier is sent hurtling back from the pile of rubble.

Lucia gasps, turning before her mother has even flown ten feet, and with a quick burst of light, Lucia is no longer there. In her place is a creature that is equal parts bird and woman, a harpy-like creature that might nonetheless bring to mind a dove... or an angel. This creature all but explodes from her place atop the rubble, and with a burst of speed, snags the flung-back Matier before she can impact with the ground, or anything else.

Once she's safe, Lucia returns to her human shape. And only then does she ask, "Matier? What happened?"

Leaning heavily against Lucia still, Matier breathes, "Infinity... that is what awaits. Infinity awaits..."

Before Lucia can question her mother further, the area between the four towers of the Skyscraper Sanctum -- where had once been the portal to the Demon World -- lights up with a brilliant flash. And through the giant oval-shaped smudge of light and power, Lucia could see... something. SomeWHERE. Somewhere that was not here. And somewhere that was not the Demon World. If it wasn't the Demon World, though... what was it?

"...Lucia. You must go," Matier replies, her voice stronger as she finds her footing, steadying herself. She raises her free hand, the one not holding the staff -- which by the way, she didn't drop on her short trip through the air -- to indicate the portal. "The Unknown behind that gate calls to this world, to join with Infinity. There could be threats behind that gate... but there could also be haven. You must go, and find out what you can. We will formulate a plan going forward once you return."

"Understood," Lucia agrees. She stands, turns to face the portal. "I will be back, mother." It's said as a verbal acknowledgement -- she says this every time she leaves her mother's side on a dangerous mission.

"Take care of yourself, Lucia," Matier offers. "This is not like the challenges you have faced before. Even if you did not know exactly what awaited you, you had a reasonable expectation of how you would need to handle it. With this... there is no such expectation. Take nothing for granted, and keep your wits about you."

Once more, Lucia nods. "I will," she promises. She pauses only for one more thing -- a quick hug for Matier -- before sprinting for the portal.

Matier seems to slouch noticeably as the portal collapses behind Lucia. But it's with a grim amusement that Matier mutters, "...Oh, I know you will be back, my daughter... I only pray it is not after a century or more..."