Home Again

<Eddie...> The symbiote's voice, normally proud, boistrous, and many other thigns besides was subdued when Eddie Brock saw the notice on his apartment door. A week of travel, not even knowing if they could get home, and this? <We can eat the landlord. We will->

"No Vee, guy probably thought we either bailed or died. Rent was late anyway." There was a soft chuckle as Eddie tried to make that last sound joking. He pushed the door open and found the apartment as he left it. Nothing out of place, nothing taken. Other than a few things that would fit in the drunk of a car there really wasn't much here he cared about. "I'll talk to the guy in the morning. For now shower, call Anne after the phone charges. Try figuring out what next."

<If you say so Eddie.>

By the time Eddie Broock got cleaned up hs phone showed dozens of texts that were variations of 'Eddie where are you?!' in increasingly alarmed language from Anne, his boss, and... one from Mis Chen? That last got an eyebrow raise. She was a friend, not particularly close, just one of those people Eddie considereda fixture of the neighborhood.

Then she called Anne.

"Hello?" Anne's voice, worried, "Eddie where have you been?! Some homeless guy said he saw you fall through a hole in the sky and-"

"Shh I'm fine Ann," Eddie's voice was washed with emotions. "I've had a rough week and... Can I tell you in person? Is Dan there?"

"He's on shift right now we keep getting people that literally claim to be from diffrent worlds, and like... not-people too it's-" She sounded tired as well as worried.

Later they sat on the front steps to Anne's hoe. She looked at Eddie with a neutral expression, "So your.... Friend came back?" She took a deep breath, eyes closing as she processed.

"Yea happened like middleo f last week."Eddie stared out at the road, not wanting to make eye contact. "I wanted to make sure I wasn't just going crazy before telling you."

There was a nod, "OK. You're going to a doctor, right?"

"I was hoping Dan would be able to slide me in, yea." Eddie then looked to Anne and gave a smile, it was small but it was genuine. "Vee says everything's in good shape, but if he's sticking around I'd rather get some second opinions, and... I'd like to try getting you into looking into some legal thingsfor us."

Anne looked at Eddie, her mid flashing through all the memories good and bad bound up with the man, all the emotion and the rollercoaster that was life. Then finally she nodded, "Alright., but we talk legal in the morning. Tonight you're staying with us." There wa a pause before adding, "On the couch."

<Beats the doghouse, dude.>