
It's a sunny afternoon, and Anna is just heading out of one of her classes when Spiral descends and perches on her shoulder. "Hey, Anna!" she says the golden-furred catlike and vaguely squirrel-like creature. "Guess what!"

Anna grins. "Hi, Spiral!" she says. "What's up?"

Spiral beams. "The Starbringers have officially started the initiative to explore the World Tree, and I've been assigned to be part of it!" she says. "As long as I take notes, I now have a legitimate reason to hang out with you in the World Tree!"

Anna snickers as she starts walking towards the edge of the campus. "Awesome!" she says. "What kind of notes do you need to take?"

"Mostly just the same ones I told you about before," says Spiral. "Taking notes on things like that 'youma', magical warriors of other worlds, that kind of thing." She shrugs. "Honestly, they know perfectly well that I've mostly been hanging out with you, they're totally cool with it."

The two are attracting some glances, but it's fairly well known that Anna goes off gallivanting into the World Tree (if not necessarily that she's a magical girl), and Spiral's cover story is that she's "from another world" (leaving out that this refers to another planet within this Blossom).

"Cool, cool," says Anna. "Think we can, uh ... find some official time for wandering off this afternoon?"

Spiral snickers. "Of course!" she says. "Where to?"

Anna looks up at the faint form of the Vine over Brighton. "Dunno," she says. "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning."

"Atta girl!" says Spiral.