The Black Obol

    The ghost regarded the black metallic disc on the elaborate oak table before her. Across sat the platinum blonde that had brought the thing. Ourania's ethereal features scrutinized Aurelia's real and concerned features as the ghostly incursion was explained to her.
    The dead Atlantean spoke a moment after the story was concluded. "It is no surprise you have not seen a black obol before. The transformation they induce in the Obsidian Cabal's victims consumes them. For one to be used as a conduit instead of a catalyst is... rare." Ourania's brow furrowed. "And your classmate has not been transformed?"
    "She's scarred for life, sure, but nothing physical that I can tell." The teen's glare at the deceptively inert chunk of lead could burn holes in it.
    "Unlike the oboli that we and the Hermetics use, each black obol is unique and created for a specific purpose. Most of the monsters you have fought were created using one."
    This gets Aurelia's attention as she looks up suddenly. "Is that what happened to that balloon at the Thanksgiving Parade?"
    "That means I need to-"
    "Find Metallia Noctis' laboratory and destroy it, yes."