The Night After I Died

Serrah doesn't bother going to bed.

She doesn't actually feel sleepy, and the worried and upset reactions of her parents don't help. So she just heads off to be on her own.

The nighttime scenery seems ... odd, now that she can see more clearly in the dimness. She drops by the local hospital to get her undeath certificate, spends half an hour at the DMV to get her new driver's license processed (the DMVs in the Hartford Empire have second-shift hours for the nocturnal undead such as Serrah herself), buys a skort at a secondhand shop because you don't wear just a skirt if you plan on going flying, and then hits up a convenience store to get an entire six pack of beer, because she does not have any intention whatsoever of spending this night sober if she can help it.

The entire time, she can feel exactly where Vincent is, relative to herself. It's a bizarre sensation, which mostly seems centered on the heart-shaped mark on her forehead, while still being elsewhere in New York City.

Halfway from the convenience store to her apartment building, Serrah gets out her phone, looks up the location of the D'Ambrosio Manor, and gets the distance from her GPS location as the witch flies. She turns in the direction the sensation is coming from, looks down at the GPS again, and nods in satisfaction and puts her phone away.

For the sheer novelty of it, she just walks up the side of her apartment building to get to the roof. Well, there's one silver lining to being a magical creature: gravity is what you want it to be.

She has just cracked open the first can when she hears Vincent's voice in her head. <<Oh, hey, there you are!>> he says. <<Wilhelmina and I just ... somehow managed to get our hearse back to the D'Ambrosio Manor in one piece! And I see you got your death certificate filled out?>>

Serrah, out of habit, takes a deep breath. Once again, there fails to be any relief tied to the action. <<You two are a total comedy duo, y'know that?>> she replies. <<Did you really just kidnap me, kill me, and break like several laws just because of my height?>>

<<What? Oh right,>> says Vincent. <<No, I actually forgot about that until we got home. And then again until that weird goopy guy actually mentioned it. I actually went through with it cuz Wilhelmina saw you in the news with Quarzy's bank robbery, and it was like, okay, definitely gonna -->>

<<It's pronounced "Qarr'zy",>> replies Serrah as she takes a long sip from her beer. <<And you said "actually" three times in a row. Also, go fuck yourself.>>

Vincent growls in impotent annoyance. <<Well, you should at least dress more properly, in a manner befitting a countess!>>

Serrah puts the beer down as if preparing to deck him in the face. <<A countess!?>>

<<Did I stutter?>> Vincent says, with slightly too much force to sound intimidating. <<Now I should ... uh, hang on a second, the Imperial Guard just showed up ... at the manor.>>

Serrah pauses with the beer can halfway back to her lips. <<What?>>

She senses Vincent moving around. <<UGH they're here about me cursing you with the Blackheart Scepter!>> he says. <<Okay, fine, I'm gonna go sort this out in Hartford! I mean, Hartford, Connecticut!>>

Serrah considers this a moment, sipping her beer.

And then she puts it down and laughs. Not because there's any realistic chance Vincent will come out the worse for this -- she knows perfectly well that the laws are designed specifically so that rich assholes like Vincent will get off with a slap on the wrist at most -- but because this will be a mild inconvenience for him, a blemish on his perfect life.

Somehow, Serrah just knows she can't harm him directly. But that doesn't include annoying him. And for as long as she is under Vincent's control, Serrah intends to ensure that his life is as annoying as she possibly can.