Spiders, and Multiverse, and Symbiotes

"So let me get this straight." Anne watched as Eddie cracked two more eggs into a glass containing a witches brew of ingredients. "You find robots that have run into your buddy's kind before. Ended up walking in on a vampire ceremony." Eddie ddin't talk as she continued, "Found a city under our feet, and now there's an alternate universe version of yoru buddy attached to some collage girl?"

Eddie put the lid on the glass before a pair of tendrils wrapped around and started shaking it. "Yea, it's been a pretty weird couple weeks for us too." Eddie lookedat Anne's kitchen and shook his head before adding. "We'll clean the mess up."

An eyebrow raise from Eddie's ex, "I just would've figured you'd be more freaked out." Or that there would be more bodies.

"Yea well I'm... more concerned with how Vee acted when he realized what that girl was bonded to was basically an infant."

<During the interview with Cassidy.> Venom's tendrils sat the drink down, noticably far away from Eddie's reach. <My kind generally do not care for our young outside of perhaps leaving our spawn near sources of food...>

Eddie's face went pale, "Oh God... you didn't...?"

"Didn't what Eddie?" Anne reached for Eddie as he turned away. "You.... What, were hoping it would EAT him?" He was starting to talk faster as the implication settled in. "No man I get it, Cassidy is a Very VERY bad guy so I get it... but-"

<THere has been no news of his death.> Venom confirmed.

Anne looked at Eddie, "What's going on?" She quite literally was only getting half of the convrosation. "I read the Cassidy interview and.... wha'd you two do?" She wasn't angry, not yet.

"Vee kinda had a baby. A..." Eddie gestured as he spoke, trying to find the right word, "A seed. It kinda planned on the little guy waking up and 'oh hey there is food' in the form of someone literally nobody would miss, especially since he wouldn't tell me or anyone else where the rest of the bodies were burried."

Anne's mind processed the implications. No sudden news of Kletus Cassidy's death. No headlines about weirdness on death row. "...oh no."

<I gave a newborn of my kind to a mass murderer....>