Exit Wounds

    The problem with dead Atlanteans is that they never truly understood modern technology. Such is the case as Aurelia and her long dead mentor Orania are looking over the data that Eddie Brock/Venom stole from the Hermetic lawyer-mages. The modern teen is trying to explain how to do things and the ghost is not necessarily the best student (or teacher but that's another problem entirely).
    "How do we ask the computer to find things?" The ghost says as she peers into the bright light of the laptop's screen. The ancient mage's ethereal fingers prod experimentally at the screen, as though she was expecting it to behave like Aurelia's smart phone.
    Aurelia sighs. "It's... Control-F.." And before she can finish explaining, the ghost has pressed Control+F1, bringing up an unhelpful help window. She bats away the ghost's fingers. "No no no." Her own fingers quickly press the correct ones before the ghost got to try a different but equally useless combination of keys. "What should we look for?"
    "Grendel." Orania peers distractedly as her student typed at the keyboard. Things changed on the monitor and she peered at it again, reading the results. Orania then pointed at and entry. "That one is concerning."
    The teen peered at where Orania was pointing, reading the entry. Payment to teleport a grendel to- "... That's my house. And that's the day-" She choked on the words in her throat and fought tears down. "My family was only worth thirteen silver obols?"
    The ghost was not sure how to deal with this. Orania did know that life was frequently unkind to the living. The best she could do was pull the teen girl into her embrace. "I am sorry, Metallia."
    At the use of the other name, Aurelia pulled away angerly. "That's not my name! That's somebody else's!" She closed up the laptop and stuffed it hastily into her backpack. "I'm going home. It's a fake family, but at least they're not stupid ghosts!"