You Have Mail!

    "Alert. Mail notification at nearest access point."
    2B glanced up as her Pod made the announcement in its usual solemn tone. A look to 9S and the two made their way to the nearest ancient-looking vending machine-- a machine which YoRHa had cleverly planted on earth in disguise, one like dozens like it all over the City Ruins area.
    "It's probably standard correspondence from the Council of Humanity." 9S mused as 2B connected to the device.

        >Operator 60: Jupiter's Fortunes
        Council of Humanity: Scheduled Correspondence.

    9S was half right.
    "It's from 6O." 2B said, opening the mail.

2B! Have you heard of "Jupiter Fortune Telling"? It's all the girls over in R&D have been talking about lately! They say you can examine the color an shape of Jupiter's Great Red Spot to learn about what kind of luck you'll have with health, work, and love!

Sounds amazing, right? I'll try it and let you know what I find out!
- Operator 60

    "... It's trash." 2B said, as she finished reading the email and--
    "Alert. Mail notification at nearest access point."
    Her Pod piped up again.

        >Operator 6O: Never Mind

2B, Remember that message I sent you about "Jupiter Fortune Telling"? I had the girls in R&D do it for me, and I got the worst readings possible for health, work AND love!

But that's when I realized something - that stuff is a bunch of occult crap! I mean, how are you supposed to figure out your destiny by observing another planet? Ridiculous!

I'll forge my destiny all on my own! That's the truest desire of every YoRHa woman anyway, right? Ha ha ha {;_;}
- Operator 60

    "... So her fortune came true, didn't it..." 2B murmured.
    "What was that, 2B?" 9S chirruped inquisitively.
    "... Nothing. Nothing. Let's get back to patrolling.