Tokyo Morning News

    It's a newscast from the world in which the one-foot-tall helper robots known as shinkis hail from. A man and an Arnval appear on screen in fine suits. They spend just a beat briefly checking over their notes while a cheery jingle plays, before the man begins to speak:

    "In this morning's news, an illegal shinki fighting operation was brought to a halt last night by several contractors working with local law enforcement in a swift and decisive raid. Many cruel masters were apprehended for their crimes, and upwards of twenty shinkis were rescued, and now wait refurbishing and re-adoption."
    This is when the shinki cuts in: "Police are still on the lookout for an Altines unit that went missing from the commotion; the fighting champion of the ring that went by the name 'The Angel of Death' oooo how spooky... She is currently sought for questioning for her involvement in the arena, due to her record of over sixty destroyed shinkis, and whether or not she was a willing participant in the carnage. She is said to be very dangerous, so if you see this shinki, please report her to the authorities immediately!"
    A pause.
    "In other news, several shinkis have started a new religion??? Survivors of the fighting ring have begun paying their respects to a new goddess 'candidate', in what they are beginning to call 'The Cult of Lastation'..."