Witchcraft 102

Holly had returned to her dorm from a wonderful night on the town. She had even ran into Rue's mother, Esperanza who offered to help with her magic. She nearly put her fist through the door in excitement as she opened the door.

"Good Evening, Rue! I met into your mom earlier and she really wants to see you!" There was a huge grin on her face. Not a second passed before she found herself being hit in the face with a book. "Ouch! What did you do that for?" The witch lifted the book from her face to find Rue giving her a death glare with her red eyes.

"Never ever bring up my mother again!" If looks could kill, Holly would be floating next to Servis and Lavaux right now. Rue had turned away from Holly in disgust.

"Maybe you drop it Holly, there's more going on here then we know about," Servis was being the voice of reason as usual.

"I didn't know she could throw that hard," Lavaux sounded a bit impressed with Rue's arm.

"Why? She sounded pretty nice! She even said I had a lot of magical potential!" Holly rubbed her cheek a bit where the book had hit her.

"I've met bulls that are less thickheaded than you, Holly. The only time my so-called mother compliments someone is when she wants something. This is the only warning, I'm going to give you stay away from her or she'll use you." She turned back around still clearly annoyed at Holly. "If you try anything, I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life as a French terrier."

"A French terrier... but I'm from Belgium!" Holly sounded more offended by the French part than the terrier.

"I know." Rue smirked a bit as she said that. "Now, if you climb into bed and pretend this conversation never happened, I'll teach you a new spell."

"You will?" Holly quickly lied down and Rue pulled the covers over her. "Yes, now's let see..Dicere gallico!" Rue waved her staff over Holly as she chanted and the younger witch quickly fell asleep.

The next morning when she awoke from her slumber she found herself speaking French instead of Dutch.