Finally some good news!

Eddie groaned as he fell facefirst onto the motel bed. "Vee... I dunno about you but I'm wiped out."

A black tendrel extended out from Eddie to flick the room's lock before retracting into Eddie's body, <I am more amused than anything, but rest would be good for both of us yes.> Venom's voice purred in the back of Eddie's mind as more tendrils snaked out, opening pockets on the smaller of Eddie's travel bags to pull out a vibrating phone. Then after several attempts Eddie heard it goggle. <Too tired for good news?>

"Unless it's Norman Osborn being arrested and us not having to go of in the middle of nowhere can it wait?" Eddie grumbed befoe the phone was shoved in front of his face. He knew Annie wouldn't have called his second phone or left messages if it wasn't important.

So he forced his eyes to focus and take the phone from Venom. "Wha...?" He grumbled as he re-read. It was a short message. Just five words. 'Your application has been approved.'

<I remember gwen saying her appearance sellable by someone else.> Vebin;s viuce siybded oyzzked, <You couldn't have filed and gotten a response this fast.>

Eddie smiled faintly as he checked the backup phone for other messages. "I filed right after immigration denied your personhood Vee." He was angry, apparently angry enough to have that cloak girl pop up from wherever spooky magic people came from to tell them to chill out. Eddie, at least in this instant, wasn't entirely stupid though. "Still kindafast. I was expecting months before a response, but I at least get a leg t ostand on if anyone tries making money off of us."

<That sounds good. How much money are we talking?>

A weak shrug from Eddie, "I hadn't actually planned on selling anything, maybe some shirts or something the greeters at the vine... portal thing could sell, but it was more to keep anyone else from doing anything large scale."

<I can feel your doubt Eddie, but if you say it is good...>

Eddie set the phone aside before falling aslee. Black tendrils spread out, grabbing a remote then flipping through channels until it stopped on a medical show starring an overly sarcastic spiteful doctor having to teach a team of interns while solving increasingly improbable medical maladies. Venom knew enough medicine from Dan to know this was largely fiction, but it found amusement nayway.