Impromptu Grendel Portering

It was still nighttime so it wasn't hard to use the same storm drain tunnels the grendel pack got around through to get to the outskirts of the city, aboard one of the smaller transport air-skiff and everyone aboard the Polar Vortex cruising high above. "Captain on de--" Renya quickly slapped her tail over the ship's crier's mouth as she stepped off the gangplank and shushed him, nodding back to the still anxious looking grendels and their 'escort' shuffling off the skiff.

"We don't need folks comin' to gawk at the guests." The vixen flicks her tail away. "Go find Lady Courante and send her down to the guest bunks. They like music and she likes a captive audience, it'll keep em all outta trouble. Dunno how they'll handle flyin' otherwise."
    The young man (yes there were actual humans in this menagerie) glanced past her at the little group. "Should I send someone to scour the galley fer some vittles too Cap'n?" Come to think of it they probably could use a reasonable meal as well so Renya nodded, and the sailor hustled off on his way.

Renya left getting the guests accomidated to her crew and may quick up to the control cabin, unsurprised to find that despite the hour the head navigator was hard at work on her maps, bless her obsessive-conpulsive soul. "Miss Windrose!" The poodle practically jumped at her name, quickly scrabbling to grab her aviator cap to keep it from failing off. Renya snickered a little, and quickly soothed other the startled nerves by pulling out a sheet of directions and tossing it to her. "Set course and weigh anchor; everything Maven can give us for speed. We've got some guests needin to make special port and the gates' only open at certain times!" All it took was one look at the notes, and Windrose bolted into action at the controls. Reliability made it worth putting up with her stuffy, persnickery attitude.

Renya headed down to her cabin after that, smiling to herself as she pulled out one of the unusual coins the grendels had 'paid' with and flipped it in the air. Not the first time she'd rescued 'monsters' from a troubled fate, wouldn't be the last. But these were the rules she enjoyed breaking the most, standards and conventions that skewered others just for not being 'acceptably normal'.