The Summoning

Saber's eyes open slowly, the eyeslits of her helmet bringing into focus... steam? Mist? Then a floor. The scarred signs of a summoning circle used more than once, through the ages. She immediately braces, information of the modern world flooding her mind, preparing her for the War to come...

Only to pause. To stop and hold still when the horrifying truth dawns, while the mists settle around her. The heavily-armored knight rises slowly, regarding the room around her. Sealed. Large. Full of mages. Weak mages, but mages nonetheless. This is no Grail War, and this is no normal summoning is it? The very nature of the summoning ritual gives her some information. Not much, not anything that makes sense, but enough to understand. Her world is in danger, and her purpose this time is to defeat the enemy.

As Saber breathes in, her eyes settle upon one in the room. One who doesn't fit. An alien presence, from beyond her world, one that has her senses screaming ENEMY instinctively. Yet she can feel the leash, the trickle of magical power, filtered through the marks no doubt hidden upon that stranger's body.

"Summoning Successful. Mana levels dropping to nominal. Master-Servant Link is confirmed," one of the voices nearby says. "Mana generation is stable. Transfiguration Crest is operating within expected parameters."

One of the other mages turns to the stranger. "Our end of the deal is concluded. We are trusting your reputation. Three favors owed, one for each Command Spell, and nonagression."

The stranger nods. Saber understands. Her lips under her helmet twist into a vicious grin, a mirthless expression. So she is a bargaining chip now? An asset to be used to barter with the threats to her world? No matter. If her new Master is an enemy, she can kill them just as well.

Speaking at last, Saber's voice rings out, the massive armor making it a warped, rich baritone. "Are you my Master?"