
She was in her mid-forties, what had she done with her life? Not much, not as much as she'd wanted. Young her would berate her for blowing everything she thought glumly. She knew she shouldn't have blown the money on this trip, but? She had to do something she wanted to see her friends in Japan and so far the trip had been good.

It was good to see them again but it was night and it was time to get back to her friend's place in the countryside. The rented car was nice, it had taken her a bit to get adjusted to driving on the other side of the road. Music was playing but the weather was picking up, the rain was starting to come down.

She sees a blur of motion she swerves the car missing it but there's a horrific moment as she sees a young girl. Wearing what looks like Cosplay, she tries to not hit her but it's too late with a horrible thunk the girl is clipped by her car. She goes off the road and she scrambles out of the craft, after recovering her moment to the girl. She's panicked she does know first aid and is going to try to do what she can she attempts a cell call? She gets no reception.

Horror fills Anne as she tries to do what she can for the girl, the girl with bright blue hair looks up at her in pain. "Oh god, I'm so sorry I just... Oh god." the girl says nothing there's a sad smile. Anne tries to do what she can but it's clear the girl is too badly injured as the rain comes down she holds the stranger. "I'm so sorry I'm sorry." She just loops not sure what to say she just holds the girl and a moment later she dies in Anne's arms.

She sits there in the rain holding the girl in her arms, at a total sobbing wreck in the pouring rain when she hears a voice. "Puuchu, it's sad this happened and I'm sorry..." She doesn't even lookup. "I didn't see her with the rain I wasn't fast enough to avoid her oh god I ...."

"Do not worry about my friend she will be fine in time, matey but you are going to need to man the ship while she's down lass. You can't be doing it like that a washed-up old lady neither. You are going to fill in for her, your being Shan-highed lass lets see what the tides of magic have for you!" The being comes into view a parrot had a child with a pack of marshmallows from the looks of it. She finds several coins in her hand. "Mate I'd used them to keep ye from being jail beat or keeping yer bits if I was you!"

Anne has no time to reply as she feels the full force of the magic taking her body. She feels like she's being warped and torn apart, she can't cry out images pass thr0ough her mind and as this happens the rain stopped. Years slip away from her body, her height, weight all things change. She's got a little control. At least over some of her new form. eyes of blue, pink hair and pale skin are what passes through her mind without thinking too hard. Her body keeps warping old clothing melts away covered by what seems to be water which has nothing to do with the rain. Information flows into her mind about magic, and how to use it, also how to fight, strange things really and the poor girl is overwhelmed. When it finally stops she slowly gets up trying to get some of the mud off herself.

"Sorry mate your part of my crew now, the good news? Enjoy the perks of the job. I'll give you some time to get your sea legs before I put you to work and you look better no more plain Jane for you!" Anne pauses and looks into a puddle staring at the face and body reflected therein, it's not her. Yet it is her now. "What, what did you do to me?!" The voice isn't her's either, she looks spooked and the bird perched on her shoulder now.

"You be a magical girl lass, in the prime of your life to protect the world from the horrors of the depths! I got to shove off for a bit but I'll be intact now get out there and get used to the new far cuter you! Oh yes, your name is Anne Read now get used to it."

With that it takes flight leaving Anne starring up at it to wonder what is going on, this had to be a dream, right a dream!?