The Hornet Queen's Court

Sybil was quite excited when she learned that her parents were going to be out of town the same week as Halloween. It would be the perfect time to throw the largest party in the history of Millbrae. There was only one problem getting the alcohol for the party and that was the fact Sybil was only 17. She had managed to get her hands on one of her mother's spare IDs but there was still the risk of getting caught.

She needed someone else who could take the fall if things went wrong. One of her illusions wouldn't work since they still looked like her after all. Suddenly an idea came to mind, her magic was getting stronger by the day could she make a copy of someone else. Sybil opened the safe she kept her mirror and then saw its counterpart. Could she create a copy of the rabbit while Benedicta was already transformed she wondered. There was only one way to find out as she invoked the ritual for her own shift.

"Let me be the ruler of all those who are beneath me, Hornet Queen Domination activate!" The blonde's outfit was replaced with a white blouse with a black shroud over it. Her normally blue beret changed colors to match the shroud and she was a yellow skirt with white bloomers. In one of her hands was a staff with a honeycomb at the end and she was holding her mirror with the other.

Now it was time for the second part as she held the staff over the other mirror, "Into the Hive of the Illusionary, I royally summon Benedicta Cornell!" Suddenly, a yellow cloud of pollen formed filling Sybil's bedroom and black lightning surged from it into the mirror. Sparks flew out of it in every direction.

"Whoa, maybe I overdid it, that was tiring...I feel sleepy..." Sybil suddenly passed out onto her bed from the sudden strain placed on her body. Hours later she found herself being awoke by someone standing over her. Her yellow eyes opened to see a familiar face.

"You look just like her! I got her human form that makes sense I guess..." Sybil looked into the double's hollow brown eyes. "Well, aren't you going to greet your new queen?" The double simply made a gesture with one finger to her throat.

"You can't talk...hey don't look at me like that! This is the first time I've ever done this! It's kind of hard to just focus. We better do this fast before you vanish!" Sybil struggled to pull herself off of the bed. "Well, don't stand around carry me! Can you drive?" The double just stood there with a puzzled look on her face.

"You know? A car? Vroom Vroom?" Sybil made steering gesture with her hands. "We'll work out something on the way..."

Meanwhile, the real Benedicta cringed in pain as could feel something tear at the essence of her soul.