
    2B stood over the laughing android, her face a mask of silent disdain as her fingers clenched on the blade in her hand.
    "Are you here to kill me, now?" The red haired android asked, voice twisted with manic glee. "Did command give you the order?"
    2B remained silent, lips twitching into the beginnings of a frown at the broken 'Type E' huddled in front of her, after the others had left. She said she would turn her in to YoRHa and let command decide what to do with her. But that was only a half truth.
    2B already knew what Command's decision would be.
    "What's wrong? What are you waiting for? We both know you have to! I'm a deserter!" The red-haired android chimed mockingly.
    "No. You're more than a deserter." 2B finally spoke, voice thin and cold as ice. "Worse, than a deserter."
    "Hahahaha oooh scary! And you're here to end my reign of terror, is that it? Taking matters into your own hands now? --wait. ... Wait wait wait I get it... I understand now... You're... You're just like me! You're an Executioner too! That's -priceless-!" The redhead YoRHa began to cackle.
    It stopped suddenly.
    Probably in part due to the ornate, white, blade piercing through her middle.
    The two androids lock gaze, one wide and wild, the other obscured by the black blindfold YoRHa visor.
    "You -are- like me... " The red-haired Type E tittered one last time as she slid off the bloody blade and collapsed into a heap.
    "I'm not like you. I do my duty." The silver-haired Type E responded one last time, through gritted teeth.