
Benedicta had been pacing through all the hospital all night as she waited to be updated on Sybil's condition. She knew this might be her only chance to talk to her for a while. The teenager knew that once the Alouettes founded out what their daughter had done that she wasn't having anyone over for a while. A nurse finally approached Benedicta, "Sybil is awake now, so you can visit her but make it quick. She might not be very coherent. What did you say your name was?"

"Bunny Bridges." Benedicta said a bit embarrassingly, she figured it would be best not to use her real name with their now being a copy of her. The doll had been left with Anne for the time being, she couldn't take it back to Camino Al Atardescer until this evening. She followed the nurse to Sybil's room and waited for her to leave before speaking to her rival.

"I know you're pretty out of it right now, but I hope you're aware of how much trouble you're in." Benedicta noticed that Sybil had been hooked up to an IV and a number of machines that were keeping track of her vitals.

"How much did I have to drink? There's a giant talking rabbit with a horn?" Sybil slurred a bit as she rested in bed. Granted there wasn't much else she could do right now.

"So why is there a clone of me now? Did you somehow use your powers to create it?" Benedicta was quite troubled by the existence of the doll.

"Well, I had to buy booze," Sybil did the best she could to explain in her drunken state.

"You created a copy of me to buy beer? Do you realize what you've done? I might not be able to transform back now!" Benedicta was doing everything she could to keep her temper under control.

"It was more hard stuff, but yes," she did the best she could to nod. "Who cares? I'm the Hornet Queen, you're nobody."

"I'm might be dead right now if it weren't for me right're not a hornet, you're more like one of those parasitic wasps and a horrible person too. I can't take any more of this. I'll call you when you're sober," Benedicta was breaking down into tears at this point as she stormed out of the hospital room. She had done everything that she could but she was still completely helpless and wanted to run away from it all.