So Quiet, Sensing That Storm

    "Aurelia, you have visitors." Aurelia's mother-replica called from her bedroom door. The replica of Astrid Argent smiled warmly, in a way that bothered Aurelia because it was like her mother's smile but something was subtly wrong about the magical simulacra's mannerisms. With a quieter voice, Astrid's doppelganger said "I think they're Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses. Very nicely dressed." This puzzled Aurelia, so she hopped off her bed to see what was going on.
    The pair were a platinum blonde woman dressed in an immaculately clean and smart white pantsuit and a black-haired man dressed in dark, nearly black, professional clothes with a sweater vest. They were dressed a little too warm for California's mild winters, even if it was San Francisco Bay Area. Aurelia regarded them suspiciously. "Hello? Can I help you?"
    Together they began. "Hello, my name is-" Then the man said "- William Weiss." Then the woman - Susan Swartz." And the bizarre simultaneous talk began again. "We're with the August Order of Hermes Trimegustus." Aurelia opened her mouth to ask how they knew she was a mahou, but was interrupted when William pulled out photos from his pocket, three to be exact, fanning them out for Aurelia to look at. Presented was a photo of Sybil Alouette (whom Aurelia had seen briefly at the disaster of a Halloween party), a picture of the al-mi'raj form of Benedicta Cornell, and a photo of that kid who was being harassed at the mall by that weird monkey.
    Susan spoke as soon as the photos were presented. "We're looking for these three individuals. They're believed to be the work of a rogue puchuu demon that was under contract to recruit for us."
    And before Aurelia can even respond to that, Susan pulls out a photo of that cartoonishly proportioned Emperor Tamarin, complete with ridiculous mustache. This time, William talks. "We're also looking for this puchuu. He goes by Mephistopheles or Mephy for short."
    And cutting Aurelia off again, both start speaking. "If you've seen the three mahou, please have them contact us." A business card was handed to Aurelia by William. "If you see Mephy, please do not alert him and call the number on the card immediately. Good day, Ms. Argent!" And the pair begin walking off before the young woman can even process what happened.
    Astrid walked up behind Aurelia and looked at the pair walking away. "Who were they, dear?"
    Aurelia closes her mouth and then says "I... don't know."
    "My they certainly were a strange pair."