Soul S[e]arching

The light of the lamp--a standard, modern LED one that was wildly different than candlelight and lamps she had once made use of--gave light to the pages she had been both writing on and reading from. Every so often she found herself staring at the light it gave off as she reflected on what she'd learned after the incident helping out the Resistance that 2B and 9S worked with.

"Humans live on the moon", "It wasn't safe for humans here" save ones who had arrived from the World Tree. Even then, with these machine lifeforms, it was plain to see that living souls were not a matter truly considered. The androids were different at least by the way it had been explained to her, but they weren't 'human' by a traditional definition.

But she... she was sensing something to them that bespoke to the very nature of having a soul.

Running a hand through her hair, the slayer let out a slightly annoyed sound before her eyes squeezed shut. She ran events back through her head; from meeting 2B and 9S to some of the other beings who didn't qualify as flesh and blood, but as machina and golem and the like. She already had more than a few pages collected regarding those types of existence.

The 'created', so many ways to classify them. Living flesh. Machinery, gears and steam and dark magic. Now electricity, circuits, and things to imitate the human form but refined. Or maybe just...

"Maybe just for a lack of not having anything else, what can something created do but imitate or stumble along..." Her head lowered back as she considered the more recent encounter.

The truth is she had gotten caught up in how... *off* everything was in dealing with the crazy android that it *was* wrong. It followed the old idiom, to see the forest for the trees. What she felt by both her ability to divine and speak with spirits of the dead. What she felt when she was around 2B--not that it was ill will, but it was... not unlike a kindred spirit, strangely.

As much as a fellow predator could be.

In this, something new began to gnaw at her, something that even as she reviewed the words in the journal of notes she'd taken to make after these adventures. Father and Mother had both put great weight on the importance of it, though in different ways--given Mother's traditions, a history kept by oral tradition was of more import, at least until she and Father had come to a compromise regarding that. A wistful smile, before she shook her head. No time to dwell on that.

Bitterness, resentment, regret. She could explain this as being betrayed, as the female android had effectively fooled the ones killed. But those feelings, those emotions... why didn't she necessarily feel shock from them as much? She couldn't help thinking there was more to this than she could see.

Perhaps she would see better by speaking with those who yet covered their eyes...

A soft murmur of a laugh took her for such ironic musing before she finished the last of her notes and put them away for the evening.