Settle In Your Seat And Dim The Lights

    Grau waited in the holding cell, shuffling the tarot deck he kept on him, smiling thinly as he drew the cards.
    The Queen of Swords, reversed.
    The Queen of Wands, reversed.
    The Ace of Cups, reversed.
    Seven of Swords, reversed.
    Death and The Tower together, portents of a great change and calamity.
    Finally The Sun reversed, with the serpent coiled around its baleful eye-like design, as was traditional for the Mages' Tarot since Lugh killed his grandfather. The mundane people held there was no negative reading for The Sun; but mahou traditions were slightly different. Grayson allowed himself a brief frown; he had been seeing the same draw off and on for two years.
    With food arriving soon, Grau scooped up the cards and tucked them back into his jacket pocket, and vanished from sight, cloaking himself in illusions. It was time to leave.
    As he grabbed the witless guard in a sleeper hold, Grayson hoped the god-like hubris fortold by the reversed Sun was just him misreading the cards.