The Great Warrior (1/2)

Torches wave below where the cowardly Gi warriors skulk just outside the cave mouth, at the side entrance of Cosmo Canyon.

Seto crouches unseen on the precipice above, flat against the cold stone. They haven't seen him.

His eyes flick from one to the next, counting. His tail twitches involuntarily; the sudden judder of light from its flame bright; too bright. A warrior looks up. From the rise he can see the round 'O' of an open mouth.

He doesn't hesitate. Quick as thought he gathers himself and springs from the precipice in a mighty leap.

For a few heartbeats, he can fly.

Cold wind tears at him, riffling through coarse, short fur. He spreads his paws; flicks out claws, moonlight picking out their cruel curves. A roar bubbles up from the depths of his chest; bursts out with force to set the canyon to ringing like a stone bell.

Gravity returns. He lands heavily, slamming into their hasty battle-line. The three he knocks over are half-dead, and a cuff of his paw finishes them. More appear as he ducks and weaves, trading blows with them and throwing himself away from their weapons.

He crouches, springs; tail lashing in bright arcs of orange flame, claws and teeth and eyes bright reflections. Throwing his head back, he gives a bellowing roar, loud enough to rattle pebbles underfoot. The sound rebounds off the canyon walls as the Gi answer in a ragged shout.

Seto cuts down the diggers without effort, but the warriors are not so helpless. Their weapons nick at him, mere annoyances, but the sting of those wounds drag against him. He can feel his body slow as he fights, limbs sluggish.

When the first Gi lands a spear, he whirls, thundering in pain and fury and cuffing the offending warrior. The crunch of bone is not satisfying enough.

Another slips past him. The two grapple and kick up dust. He stumbles, and the dying warrior thrusts, spearhead ripping over Seto's flank; the poisoned blade bites clean through a hind leg. It buckles immediately. Surging forward on three legs, he thunders into the face of the warrior, breaking its neck with a blow and flinging it aside.

He doubles back on himself to face them.

Too slow: He knows it as soon he hears the buzzing twang of bowstrings. Three arrows bite into his torso in the span of a breath. This time his front leg gives out. He can't even feel the pain of the weapons through his hide any more.

Dragging his numbing body on, he leaps up the canyon wall, stumbling and scrabbling where his paws can no longer feel the rocky trail. The few Gi left are fleeing. The stars dim around him as he climbs to the precipice, grunting as he pulls himself up with bloodied claws. Baring his fangs in a snarl, he draws in a breath to roar in defiance at the fleeing cowards.

The sound echoes from the rock walls, but it fades to a guttering rasp. A flicker of satisfaction touches him as he notes the empty canyon below. Peace sets in as the cold seeps into his bones.

Cosmo Canyon is safe. Bugenhagen will help look after little Nanaki, as he has asked. His mate will keep the secret; to let everyone forget the Gi and live in peace.

Darkness shrouds him, until even the stars dim. He can feel his body fail by degrees. Something cold pulses closer to his heart with every beat.

He doesn't fight it. A rattling breath leaves him in sudden exhaustion. Sleep calls, but he must stand vigil. The filthy cowards won't dare invade if he stands fast.

With effort he forces his eyes to stay open as the colour and light leach from them.

With effort he flattens his ears, skinning his lips back from his teeth one last time, whiskers bristling as he fights the stiffness of his own face. He flexes claws he can no longer feel. Corded muscle stands out beneath bristling fur gone grey.

He accepts the world dimming to black; that his lungs can't draw in another breath.

The cold, crawling thing at last reaches his heart.

Seto, Last Guardian of Cosmo Canyon, feels nothing at all.