
    One wouldn't expect a guy like Dante to have any knowledge about gardening, but he's picked up a few tricks since childhood. Mom always did love to garden, and she was quick to show her sons what she had learned for the most part.

    Those Lunar Tears he plucked from 2B's home have been placed in a little flowerpot in his office. With a note; "Hey mom. Saw these and thought of you. I think you'd love them." - Dante.

    Lady, seated atop the desk itself, can't believe how dorky that note sounds. "Don't tell me you're a mama's boy, huh Dante?" the gunslinger says as she inspects the flowers. Her amused grin suddenly fades as she sees the look on his face. Dante just stares wistfully at the flowers, barely paying her any mind.

    Lady frowns, regretting her choice of words. "I'm sorry, shitty thing of me to say. You must miss her, huh?" She asks, reaching out to place a hand on the fellow hunter.

    "Every day." Dante answers quietly. His grip tightens on the edge of his desk, trying to fight the urge to let it all out. He takes her hand and squeezes it gently for a moment, glancing her way.

    "What was she like? You never really talked about her, and...I already know your brother's...your brother." Lady wonders, crossing her legs. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

    Dante waves a hand, "No, it's fine. I...just don't get that answer very often. She was a witch, if I read dad's journals right. Really smart, she'd been researching the black arts on her own when she met my dad. I guess something about her really struck dad hard, 'cause he couldn't think of living without her." He continued, pouring himself and Lady a shot each of scotch. "She was my light. As a kid, me and Virgil would get into fights all the time, usually over stupid shit. All it took was one word from mom for us to cut it out...she never could stand to see us throwing hands."

    Lady downed her shot and chuckled, "Almost sounds adorable when I'm picturing you as kids. Hard to believe it turned out the way it did. First thing I remember about your brother was him trying to cut me into bits..."

    Dante chuckled bitterly, "I just remember trying to get you out of there. Don't sell yourself short, Lady, you handled it better than most."

    "Flattery won't get you that far, Dante." Lady grinned back, hopping off the desk. "I'm bored, and this is getting depressing. Pizza?"

    "Thought you'd never ask."