Rooting for the bad guy??

Iota is watching tv.
"NOO! They lost again!", she says pouting. ?It not fair! How come those Power guy and the Sentai teams always win? The Kaiju they fight are just doing there jobs, but then they fake getting beaten then pulls out some super secret attack and win!"

She sighs. "It's totally not fair! Someone should do something about it!"

She pauses. "Oh! I can be that somebody!"

Iota got an idea! A great wonderful idea!

"I'll lure one of these sentai teams out and beat them up getting revenge for all the monster they have defeated!" ,she nods to herself on proud of thinking of great idea. "Yup yup! I'll wear a mask and cape that way no one will recognize me!", she nods. "I'll have to think up a cool name too! This will totally work!"