Ticking Clocks

    The cell was the same one. Except the Hermetics had bothered to install one of their rare veritas stones so Susan Swartz could not utilize her illusion magic or lie. The too-thin woman smiled wickedly; breaking out precious Atlantean relics just to hold her was just proof they were desperate now. Not that any of it mattered; her soul twin William Weiss had successfully escaped and though they could not remerge into Grayson at these distances, the goal had been accomplished. The Obsidian Cabal would know where the Order of Hermes sanctum was and would be plotting to break out every single Cabal member and experiment held in these cages.
    The inquisitor approached; the same darkness-eaten woman whose throat Susan-as-Grayson had slit during the escape attempt. "Inquisitor Kira, you're looking... well. To what do I owe the visit?"
    Kira was aloof and cold as was usual when dealing with prisoners. Still, she subconsciously put a hand to her own throat in nervously. "Was it always the plan to be captured by us?" She asked, the steel returning to her voice.
    "No, not the Order specifically..." Susan began, unable to lie under the ghostly blue light of the veritas stone. "... the Cabal would have been just as happy to find the entrance to the Beacon Society's Sunset Road. They're protecting a lot of escaped experiments, you know."
    "You mean victims of the Cabal."
    Susan shrugged helplessly, smiling. "Victims, experiments, whatever you want to call them."
    Kira crossed her arms in front of her. "If you intended to be captured, does that mean the Cabal purposefully let Mephistopheles steal the oboli used to alter Alan Van Allen?"
    Susan laughed, a broad grin spreading across her face. "Yes. Did you really think a puuchu as incompetant as that one could steal oboli from the Cabal's coffers?"
    "What's Metallia Noctis' plan?"
    Susan snarled. "Luna, not Noctis. Noctis is a meddlesome outsider; those who support her are apostates and heretics-" Susan stopped herself, realizing she had revealed a deep schism within the Cabal that outsiders had yet to know about.
    Kira smiled knowingly. "Thank you, Susan." She began walking away from the cell.
    Susan called into the hallway, screaming. "The clock is ticking, Kira! Luna will raze this sanctum into aether!"