The Names of Weapons

    Orania's ebon features were stern, in that particular way one has when teaching a student something vital. "Again."
    The spell came quickly at the orichalcyon-clad girl, forcing her to raise the shimmering adamant blade quickly in defense. Aurelia was not quick enough though; the blade only ate some of the windy spell and she was knocked down again in spite of her heavy plate armor. The magical metal rang and clattered loudly as it met the floor. As Aurelia picked herself up, she grumbled. "I don't see why you suddenly want me to know how my sword works. I've never had to draw it- ever."
    Orania scowled slightly. "Because you will undoubtedly face another Atlantean weapon when the Cabal attacks. Now... Again." Orania noted that Aurelia blocked a little more of the spell this time, though the girl was still knocked over.
    "Another Atlantean weapon? What makes 'em special anyway?" The armor's weight was staring to wear on her, she was breathing heavier.
    "Each weapon has a name that the bearer takes on. Your sword is Metallum Aurum and it was meant to be born by the Protectors of the Northern Isles. And so your title is Metallia Aurum. Again."
    Aurelia had to pick herself back up again. "So which weapon does Metallia Noctis have?"
    Orania's face betrayed a deep concern. "Nobody has seen Noctis wield her weapon. The weapon you may face was used to put out Lord Balor's eye; the Metallum Noctis."
    There was no spell to block this time. "Wait, if Metallia Luna has the Metallum Noctis, why does Metallia Noctis call herself that?"
    Orania swept her hand, throwing another spell at her pupil without warning. This time Aurelia managed to block it and only be pushed back instead of knocked over. "That I do not know, Aurelia. But be careful if Luna takes the field; the Noctis killed a god once. Do not let her draw the bow if you can help it."