

Prince Adam's smirk is ever-present as he soars high above his ponytailed opponent for what looks to be a training session. His signature Disk Rider leveling out as he gives his staff a twirl behind his back.

"Told you I've been practicing!"

Said opponent, the fierce warrior known as Teela, only narrows her eyes in superior focus and concentration. Even if there's a playful glint of her own in those eyes. She too is riding a Disk Rider, though in a manner way more efficient than Adam's showboating movements. Her staff is held at the ready.

"Have you? Or have I just been taking it an easy on you because of tomorrow's festivities?"

Teela's Disk Rider races after Adam's and blows past it. Teela's staff catches Adam's leg, separating his foot from his Rider and there goes Adam's balance!

Adam's staff twirling is cut short by this clever assault and he almost loses his footing on his Disk Rider when it starts to lose control. But his recovery is somewhat sound as he surfs backward.

"Don't do me any favors, Teela!" Adam quips, eyes on her and lips curled into a smug grin. This is why he doesn't even see that he's headed straight for one of the many statues surrounding the training grounds of the Royal Palace. "I've got you right where I want y--!"

Adam's Disk Rider smacks right into the skull of an Elder's statue and that sends Adam sailing up and off his Disk Rider!

"Adam!" Teela takes off after him but the Disk Rider is much too slow to keep up with Adam's dangerous descent.

The on-lookers down below gasp in horror but spring into action at the moment of Prince Adam's arrival into true danger. Mekaneck extends his neck to get a visual. Man-At-Arms breaks into a sprint towards the possible landing location. Cringer... covers his head with his paws.

WOOOOOSH! Up soars the mighty Stratos carrying Prince Adam beneath the arms! With a flourish of winged wonderment, Stratos brings Adam down to the ground. Where he'll be a lot safer. And maybe to get chastised by Man-At-Arms.

"You're going to get yourself killed if you do not start taking these training sessions seriously." Man-at-Arms is all over Adam the moment the Prince's feet are back on solid ground. "It is your duty as Prince of Eternia to be prepared to protect your people."

"Oh come on. Would you relax?" Adam runs a hand through his hair and offers the most uncaring of shrugs. "All this training's for nothing. Nothing bad ever happens around here. Even after the Vines showed up!"

"Prince Adam, should the forces of evil decide to attack--"

"Forces of evil? What forces of evil?" Prince Adam rolls his eyes. "The Mystic Wall's been protecting us my entire life. There's no way anything's getting through that thing. It's unbreakable! It's as hard as..."

"Your head?" Teela quips with a smirk from behind Adam.

"Yes!" Adam blinks. "Wait, no!" Adam makes a face at Teela before turning back to Man-At-Arms. "It's gonna' be fine. The Mystic Wall's not goin' anywhere. And, even if it does, you, my father and the rest of the Heroic Warriors can handle anything that comes through it."

Man-At-Arms tries, once again, to appeal to Adam's common sense. "But Adam, you're the Prince. You should--"

"Stop all this training nonsense and go get a sneak peek at the food for my party tomorrow? Great idea!" Adam tosses a pair of finger guns at Man-At-Arms as he turns to head off towards the Royal Palace in search of deliciousness. Cringer follows because food, right?

Man-At-Arms watches the Prince walk away and turns to look in the direction of that Mystic Wall with a pensive, "... For once, Adam, I hope you're right."