
"Ow..." Josuke hissed quietly as the Shinki, the Bright Feather that had been loaned to him for this job, dabbed at the singe-mark on his face with disinfectant. His hand got burnt a bit, too, from an electric attack... by a Stand user. A STAND USER! HERE! Then again if he could get out of his world, that meant others could too...

The Bright Feather gave a smile. "It'll feel better soon, sir!" she assured him, and continued her work. Josuke held still, though winced a little when a particular touch on the singed skin hurt. After a moment, the Bright Feather asked, "Sir... couldn't you just fix it? I saw what you did with the plane and with the criminals."

The group of criminals who'd attacked the decoy shipment -- who the group of them had been hired to deal with -- hadn't really counted on offworld reinforcements, and Josuke had wanted to make sure they were all right after getting more retaliation than they'd bargained for.

Josuke raised a hand to rub at the back of his head. "Ah... my abilities don't work on myself, or anything I'm wearing or carrying," he explained. "I can't even fix my clothes until after I wash them. Then they're not 'mine' until I put them back on."

The Bright Feather looked pensive at hearing this... pensive, and quite worried! Being a medic, she was programmed to care for someone's well-being. "That's unfortunate..." she said quietly. "Aren't you ever scared?"

"All the time," Josuke confirmed. "But still... I have to do something. I can't just sit by and watch people get hurt if I can help. Even if it gets ME hurt. I'll heal."

"But..." The Bright Feather began, but then trailed off. "...I guess I can see your point... I'd feel the same. But maybe... well... we Bright Feathers are designed for medic duties. We can't fix things like you do, but a little bit of medical help wouldn't hurt, right...?"

This, in turn made Josuke thoughtful. He pouted a little, thoughtfully. "You know... that might not be a bad idea. I'll want to look into it -- I don't know what all is involved." He'd only been given the short version when he'd been assigned the help for this mission, since there wasn't expectation of long-term association.

But what she said made a lot of sense. Shinki were in very widespread of use, at least in this world, so they shouldn't be hard to get or maintain, and the information should be easy to come by. Definitely something to consider. Could be a lot of help after fights. Though there was something bothering him about it all...

Could he handle the almost certain ridicule over having bought himself a 'doll'?