The Doctor Is In

That evening, Josuke began to take stock of what he'd bought, to make sure he had everything. Charging cradle, cord, wall adapter (he didn't have a computer that was up to snuff by the standards of the Bright Feather's world). Of course, he couldn't forget the jelly can variety pack -- 'jelly' was apparently some kind of coolant that could be flavored or plain. He didn't know what flavor she'd would like, so he bought a variety pack so she could choose what she liked.

The Bright Feather was on the charging cradle, and no sooner was the small android girl's electronic core in place than an audible powering-up sound occurred, surprisingly deep in pitch for a piece of technology so small. And then, from the Shinki, though the not-yet-activated robot's mouth didn't move...

<< MMS Automaton, Shinki. Manufactured by FLESH&STEEL. Nurse-Type Bright Feather, RN044. Setup complete. Launching main OS. >>

The eyes of the Shinki opened, blinked a few times... and then life seemed to come into her expression all at once. "Good day, Master!" she chirped brightly, as she stood, and bowed politely. "Please choose a name for me."

Josuke thought about that for a moment. "How about... 'Roberta'?" he suggested.

"'Roberta', recorded," she acknowledged. "Nice to meet you, Master!"

"My name's Josuke. Josuke Higashikata," he offered. Even if she didn't use it, she needed to know his name. "Nice to meet you too!" A pause here, as he realized, "Hmm... I don't think I can show you around out in public..."

Roberta's head tilted. "Why not?"

"This is a world where Shinki aren't commonplace," Josuke notes. "I made sure to get everything I'd need to take care of you, though. And I can always bring you back there if something goes seriously wrong and I can't fix it. Well... I've got you all set up, but I haven't let you charge up yet. So, since it's pretty late, I'm gonna get ready for bed, that way your batteries can charge overnight. Let me know if something's not right with the charging setup, okay?"

"I will, master!" Roberta promised, and settled back into her charging cradle. "Goodnight, master!"

Josuke smiled. "Good night, Roberta." The Shinki powered down for charging, he got things together for a shower.