The Knight's Opening Gambit

"Wake up my queen, we are in need of your aid." Sybil suddenly woke from her slumber to hear a soft female voice.

"Who dares disturb the queen's rest!" The teenager fumbled around in the dark before the ceiling light turned on. Standing next to it was a short girl clad in armor and holding a shield that was taller than she was.

"I'm known as Shield-Maiden, my queen. We of the Obsidian Cabal believe we show a common interest." She bowed before Sybil as she spoke.

"Again? I told you the Hornet Queen takes orders from no one. How did you enter my chamber without being seen?" Sybil stared suspiciously at the knight.

"One of my many talents is that I can create an invisibility barrier as long as I don't attack," Shield-Maiden explained to her. "Our scientists wish to capture and study, the one known as Benedicta Cornell. She's become a thorn in our side."

"Okay, now you have my attention. She refuses to serve me and it would be a lot easier if she were out of the picture. What do you need me for though, the Cabal has plenty of people who would be able to put the rabbit in her hutch?" Sybil wondered why she was needed.

"Most of our best warriors are locked up at the moment and she has many allies. I'm limited as a fighter myself but if I used my magic to enhance your illusionary powers we may stand a chance if we catch her off-guard," Shield-Maiden proposed to her.

"Wait, you can enhance my powers? No training or anything? I could finally go to parties again without my parents finding out?" The queen was suddenly sidetracked.

"I would need to stay close to you in order for that work. Why not just use your magic to overthrow your parents? Adults are mostly useless anyway," The knight sounded more like a normal teenager for a moment.

"I don't want my parents dead, just not controlling my life. Besides once I'm 18, I'll just move out. Once the rabbit vanishes there'll be no one to oppose my reign over Millibrae."