A Battered Bunny

A few days after the Easter incident, Orania had arranged for Benedicta to meet with her at Beacon Society, for a follow up report. Benedicta still had a few bandages mainly around her arm where it had been burnt. Still, she was happy to chat with her ghost mentor.

"First things, first what exactly happened on Easter? I've already spoken to Aurelia and Anne but could you clear up what happened further?" Orania was still missing some key details from her report.

"I was helping at the Easter Egg hunt when my horn started glowing. I ran to the parking lot to find Sybil disguised in my human form egging cars. I didn't have a chance to see much because someone else blasted behind me. I didn't get a good look at her but Anne said she was a "Short knightly lass with a huge shield and white hair who went by Shield-Maiden or Shel for short." That's about all Benedicta could remember.

"I've heard of her before but she seems to come and go. She was first sighted in Ireland but she could be from anywhere. Most people she works with tend to turn up dead though. Might want to be careful around her." Orania recited from Beacon's file on Shield-Maiden.

"That's kind of creepy. Are you sure she's not a dullahan or a banshee or something? So she's basically the opposite of Sybil, now it's even weirder that they are working together. I mean I hate her but I don't want her to suddenly drop dead. Great, she didn't place some kind of death curse on me too? I already tried to transform but I'm not detecting any magic from the doll, " Benedicta looked at the black seal on her arm and her ears flopped even lower.

"I don't think she's undead and I'm pretty sure she didn't place a death curse on you. She did place a ward on you tied to the Obsidian Cabal. We would need to ask her for the full details. Or Sybil, if you can get her to talk. I wouldn't suggest using one of the Cabal's coins to remove it though that might make matters worse," Orania warned Benedicta before she tried anything drastic.

"Great, I have to go through this mess all over again. Just when I thought I was making progress, Sybil had to go and screw it all up. Does the Order have a prison in Antarctica? Because if so we should send her there for a while." Benedicta figured that would be a fair punishment.

"I know this is hard on you but remember Beacon and your friends will support you through this. You've been pushing yourself rather hard yourself, why don't you get some rest?" The ghostly mentor knew Benedicta wasn't feeling her best. "And take a nice flea bath to relax, you don't want those biting you," She tried to give her some helpful advice.

"I just want to be human again..."

"You're clearly stressed out my child, take it easy. You can't fix this overnight. Beside being an al-miraj isn't the end of the world. "
