Friends with Regrets

Screaming could be heard from one of the dorm rooms in Columbia University. This was accompanied by the sound of wooden drawers breaking. Holly had placed up her bed as a makeshift shield between Rue and herself while the older magician flailed in her bed. The Halloween witch was trying to find the sleep herbs that she knew her roommate kept on hand but to no avail. She had tried to calm her down but she was drowned by shouting.

"Mother, please stop! These people have done nothing wrong!" Rue was trapped in a nightmare she couldn't seem to escape from.

"Why can't I find them...that's it. I'm turning the lights on!" Holly pulled on the cord from above to illuminate the room.

"Are you sure that's a good..." Servis was cut off as the area was flooded with light. Rue suddenly stood with her arms outstretched and was walking towards Holly.

"Snap out of it Rue! I don't know what happened but we're friends right?" Holly sounded oddly serious for a moment before the other witch's red eyes suddenly opened.

"Yes, friends...wait what did I just say?" Rue snapped out of her half-awake daze. "Did someone break in? Lumeria, where's Lumeria?!" She looked around the room in a frantic state.

"She's still in her tank!" Holly held up the container with the silver frog inside so Rue could see. "Rue, you're having nightmares again! Tell me what's going on. We've been roomies for a year now."

"You do realize that's about a month for an elf right. I guess I'll have to tell you sooner or later anyway. I'm not sure you can handle the full story. If you tell anyone about this you'll be spending a lot more than just Spring Break as a hamster again.

"That was pretty confusing, I got lost for two days and..." Holly suddenly found herself unable to speak as Rue pointed her staff at her.

"Be quiet, I'm not in the mood right now. When I told you to stay away from my mother, I meant it. She made me do unspeakable acts when I was under her power. When I refused to do her bidding anymore she turned my sister into a frog in order to blackmail me. Yes, that's who Lumeria truly is." While Holly couldn't talk she let out a gasp before Rue continued.

"I managed to escape with her to Columbia. The professors managed to put a shield around the college to keep my mother from entering, but I can't leave here either. I know you're going to insist on being a moron and try to stop her, but don't. I'm downright pleasant compared to what she's done. That's all I'm going to say on the subject, so I'll let you speak again. Just think before you do so," The black-clad witch warned Holly as she regained her voice.

"Oh, I heard about a haunted mall that's about to be tore down, I'm going to look into it for my mid-term project over Spring Break. Do you want to come, oh sorry right what you just said," Holly managed to catch herself in-time.

"Go have fun, take a lot of pictures and bring me something back," Rue looked down at the floor as she said that as she grabbed her sleep herbs from a hidden drawer that Holly had missed.

"Rue, I'm sorry I didn't..."

"I shouldn't have said anything Holly, you don't deserve to be dragged into my mess." Rue chewed on one of the herbs before quickly passing out on her bed.

"But we're friends..."