Now, About That Promise...

It was an unusual party that made its way to a clearing in a forest. That party consisted of one moon elf, one skeleton... and one goat. Ysuran had a promise to keep, after all. Obtaining a goat wasn't too difficult, the market had them in droves. And this wasn't just some sick, old goat that no longer gave milk. No, this was a good, young goat that would have been wonderful in a stew!

Also fortunate, Ysuran had raised the skeleton that had accompanied him to the world of Holly Winn in his own world, so he knew exactly where the skeleton had come from, and where it was upposed to be returned to. And so, he returned to that place he'd taken it from, with skeleton -- and goat -- in tow.

Ysuran soon found the gravesite -- if indeed it could be called that. The skeleton had once been inside the body of an ill-fated adventurer, one that had fallen to some sort of monster while traveling in these woods, body left for the animals to devour. And devour they had, leaving nothing of the unfortunate adventurer but scratched bones. But, to pacify the spirit -- as well as to keep his promise to Tirsiak -- he intended to bury it properly, and give it proper tribute.

He did not make the skeleton dig its own grave, no... that would be outside the spirit of what he's doing here -- he took, so he now much give back. Tying the goat's lead to a nearby tree so it didn't run away or wander off, Ysuran dug the grave himself, and then directed the skeleton to enter the pit. Once it had done so, Ysuran began to unweave the magics from the bones, and in short order, the skeleton collapsed into the makeshift grave. Ysuran began to fill the hole in the ground once again.

Once this was done, it was time to sacrifice the goat. Ysuran knew how to do this properly, in a way that made certain they didn't suffer. He built the pyre, lit it, and then dealt with the goat. And as the corpse burned, he knelt in the space. It was a human skeleton, so he offered in Common, "In return for your assistance, please accept this sacrifice and tribute."

...It was very strange, Ysuran thought. This part of the woods was deathly quiet. As if the woods were holding their breath for something. Maybe there was something keeping this place safe until he finished with his tribute?

Well, either way. Once the tribute was done and the pyre had burned itself out -- it would do little good if his tribute burned the forest down, after all -- Ysuran stood. And then with a final bow towards the site, he made his way out of the woods. Hopefully nothing smelled the blood on him and tried to make a meal of him!