
*BLAM* *Cla-chak*

    "Target down. Convoy, you're clear for 200 meters. Moving to new position ahead of you. Dagger team, form vanguard while I relocate. Hatchet, eyes?"

    Uni drops from the lip of the building she was stood atop, slinging her long rifle over a shoulder and landing with a bend of knees. <Hawkeye, Hatchet. Eyes on a bandit team moving in. 3 clicks, north-northwest. Stilleto is shadowing them. They don't seem to know the convoy is here yet.> "Copy that Hatchet. Keep me posted." Uni adjusts her headset, setting off at a jog to her next sniping perch.

    Her mind wanders in the downtime. Wandering off to 2B's world, those Machines, the androids themselves. Their almost mirrored existence, the machines being too in touch with emotions, sending them insane, the androids waking up to their own emotional landscapes.

    She thinks to the Shinki then as well, her connection to that small group that worship her for releasing them from that underground fight club... she can see them in her mindseye, a small sect in some underground city populated by Masterless Shinki. "I wonder if Alty's okay." she muses to herself.

    She's interrupted by her comm bleeping. "I'm 30 seconds from my perch, go ahead." <Master.> Bravette, her companion. <Tailing bandits. They have changed course and are heading directly for the convoy.> "Understood... stall them if you can, but don't be a hero." <Yes. Master.>

    This is going to be a long day.