The Knight's Horrible Curse

The miles and miles of forest were starting to look all alike for Sybil as she kept checking her phone to figure out where they were. She had shortly met up with Shield-Maiden after escaping from the base but Dr.Mendel was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm starting to wish I drove to the lab. Then again my parents would kill me if my new car got wrecked so soon." Sybil stopped for a moment to catch her breath as she was previously running for her life. "How the hell do you run in armor like that without getting tired?" She couldn't help to wonder as she looked back at the knight who was holding a tarnished silver Celtic knot attached to a broken chain necklace. It was quite clear that Sybil was being ignored.

"And why did you go back for that? I could easily buy you a new one if it's that important to you." She frowned a bit at her partner's recklessness as she tried to get a response from her.

"It's not important and I don't get tired." The young girl walked past Sybil seemingly unfazed by the hike, "We're approaching Muir Beach you can rest there." She spoke in her usual soft monotone.

"Good! We can get something to eat too! Making all those clones takes a lot out of a queen you know." Sybil's stomach rumbled as she said that. "Hey, let me see your necklace. I know a good jeweler who can fix it up. You shouldn't wear something that ugly. It makes us both look bad. " Shield-Maiden did her best to hold onto the necklace but Sybil was able to swipe it from her hands.

"Please give it back! It's fine the way it is!" The knight's voice actually had emotion in it for once and echoed. She was desperately attempting to pull the chain away from Sybil.

"I thought you said it wasn't important! Don't lie to me!" She leaned over a bit so she could look at the shorter girl eye to eye.

The bevor covering Shield-Maiden's neck began to glow a sickly black color along with the knot. She then spoke and kneeled before Sybil, "Yes, I'm sorry my queen. It's quite important to me."

Sybil paused a bit before she responded, "Okay, that was kind of weird. Maybe you take your armor off, I think it's possessed or something." The knot glowed black once again as the Hornet Queen gave her command.

"No! Please order me to stop! I'll do anything!" Shield-Maiden stalled a bit as she slowly started to remove her armor. She was hoping that Sybil would change her mind. The first piece to be removed was bevor that normally covered her neck. The stench of rotten flesh filled the air as soon as the girl's lower face was visible.

The skin from around her mouth and below was a sickly purple color, her lips were blue and her mouth was frozen in a wide grin that lacked most of her teeth. Before Sybil could see more of the knight's hideous visage she let a loud scream. This was quickly followed by covering her eyes as she tried not to faint.

"That's gross! Put it back on already! I'm going to have nightmares for weeks now!" Sybil leaned up against a tree to support herself but it would be a while before they went anywhere. She wouldn't be getting the image of Shield-Maiden's decayed mouth out of her head anytime soon.