Lunchtime Rush

    It's lunchtime in Natsuto. At one particular high school, Yumi is just settling in with a bento box, when a familiar, unsettling feeling pings the perephiry of her awareness. The girl freezes; about the time her friends are noticing the distant, worried look, her phone vibrates once in her pocket. She glances down at it and goes, "Aheh... sorry, I have to go take this. Might be important." She sets the bento down, and then turns to head out the door to the hallway, already pulling her phone. None of them notice that the change happened before the text notification.

EA: feel it~?
YT: Yeah
YT: At school but I can leave
EA: my, ditching mid day, wont you get in trouble? i can handle this one

Yumi is halfway through typing 'You sure?' when the sensation hits her again, this time from the opposite direction. The bottom drops out of her stomach. Two youma?

EA: oh my
EA: two at once, thats rare~
YT: I'll take the stronger one to the north
YT: You hit the one down south
EA: quite the hero arent we
YT: Don't want people dying
EA: hai hai, i got it, south one covered. gathering friends again?
YT: No time. Thanks.

    As a soaring leap takes Yumi from her school's roof to the next over, the magical girl grimaces quietly. 'Hate to ditch halfway through the day, but if I don't get there fast, that's gonna be the least of my worries...'