Lightshard 17 - Aftermath

    The hidden base of the Dawnfall has brown walls which seem to be some sort of terracotta, and are lit by a glowing blue curlicue pattern on the ceiling which somehow casts precisely the same light as a sunny day ... except that they are tinged at the edges by an orange glow, signifying the corruption caused by the Atlantean Catastrophe. Ilmaredh Vineway, also known as Vanguard of the Dawnfall, sits on a bed in the hospital wing, dressed entirely in black with orange trim, amusing herself with a tablet computer. There's a bandage on her head; she still hasn't replaced the mask which Temulin Dotharl shattered, and the doctors don't want her wearing one right now in any case.

    A tall figure strides into the room, wearing a more elaborate version of the same uniform. His face is concealed by a mask ... but beneath the inverted image of the sun rising over the horizon, there is an Elvish numeral 1.

    Vanguard sits up straighter. "Master One!" she exclaims in Elvish, hurriedly setting aside her tablet.

    "Be at ease, Vanguard," says Master One in the same language, his voice distorted electronically by the mask. "It is not good to strain yourself after receiving a head injury. Any mission which results in harm befalling one of the Dawnfall at the hands of lesser beings is one which went poorly." He gives her a pointed look from behind the mask. "Especially when it also results in the loss of one of our prototype weapons," he adds sharply.

    Vanguard winces. "My apologies, Master One," she says softly. "I ... have learned my lesson about underestimating groups of enemies."

    Master One nods approvingly. "The silver lining is that in spite of the loss, we were able to record enough data from Lightshard 17 that we may now proceed with the construction and testing of number 18," he says. "Ah, I can already see you smiling."

    "Oh, indeed, Master One," says Vanguard, unable to suppress her grin. "I am always eager to see lesser beings brought low."

    "As you should be," says Master One. "Your thoughts on the test subject we've chosen?" He held out a gloved hand, and a hologram appears, showing a dossier.

    Vanguard smiles thinly, and nods. "Lex Brando, hmm?" she says. "I've met her a few times at the Monadnock Adventurer's Guild. She's been assigned to observe a particular lesser Blossom, and her movements through the World Tree should be predictable enough for the time being that spiriting her away will be trivial."

    Master One watches her impassively. "It does not bother you?" he says. "That this doom will happen to someone you know?"

    Vanguard gives him a funny look. "Why would I be bothered by what happens to a human?"

    Master One shrugs. "Our loyalties must be tested at all times," he says. "Now, the doctors have informed me that with the healing magic they've applied, you will be discharged in a few more days. You will rest up just a little longer, and then ..." He pauses for effect.

    "... And then we'll get to see what it looks like when someone unworthy touches a Lightshard," Vanguard says with a smirk.

    "Yes indeed," says Master One, nodding his head, and she can hear the smirk in his voice. "As you were, then, Vanguard ..."