Those Who Wander

    "Where are you off to, Adeliza?" Asks the young mother known as Gwenore. She had her daughter early; at age nineteen, to be precise. The charming soldier said all of the right things to woo her; promised marriage and security. When things fell through, Gwenore returned home... and it was there that she stayed, birthing her child and raising her alone in the matriarchal nation. Many experiences later in her life she would be hard-pressed to ever leave Troia again.

    "To pick flowers, Mama." Replies the sweet daughter, now a slip of a girl at age nine, as she stuffs fruit into a satchel upon her elbow. Gwenore watches her... of course, flowers. The kingdom is rife with them and she cannot fault her child for wanting to gather. "Don't be long. Mind the Guards." Advises Gwenore and with a kiss to her mother's cheek, Adeliza is gone.

    The woodlands immediate to Troia are not dangerous; not with the Guard making their ranged patrols. As far as Adeliza could remember, she knew never to pass the bend in river where the waters grew more treacherous. Or, if deigning to travel north, one could just see how the woods would darken. Never, darling Adeliza, tread past that point. There is a cave there, where one must never wander.

    It takes all of twenty minutes for the girl to find her destination, and flowers are not on her mind. She can smell the embers of a campfire before she sees the site, and in her arrival Adeliza sings out a greeting. "Lady Gabrielle! I'm here to see you again! Is it ok? I brought fruit and tea!"

    'Lady Gabrielle' looks up from her current doings, bluish-gray eyes alighting upon the Troian girl with an expression of gratitude. Adeliza notes this: Lady Gabrielle looks happy and healthy today. Never before has the girl ever bore witness to a person such as this with those large, dark feathered wings. The pointed ears. Where did Lady Gabrielle come from...? All Adeliza knows, in her pure child's heart, is that this nomadic woman need food and company. She happened upon 'Lady Gabrielle' a couple of months ago and by the by, Adeliza watched the camp become a 'permanent' thing.

    "Are you hungry?" Asks the girl, seating herself close to the peaceful winged woman. She opens the satchel, offers fruit.

    "Not outright, but you troubled yourself to come all this way. Again." Replies 'Lady Gabrielle' in her gentle, fluting voice. Adeliza is mesmerized. Gabrielle chides the girl, "You mustn't come into the woods so often, it can be dangerous. I may not always be here." Said in her strange, accented way as she plucks an apple from the bag.

    So as she bites into this apple, brought to her by a well-meaning girl from the neighboring Kingdom of Troia, 'Lady Gabrielle' -- known properly as Nythius -- thinks to herself.... why the moniker? It seems to bode well for her travels, though she has -- to fate -- been too frightened to traverse beyond these woods. For now, this will do.. the child means well, wishes to help. For as long as it takes, until intuition tells her to move on... this meager camp will do. Maybe she will summon the courage to visit the town but for now...?

    Nythius takes whatever kindness she can get.